About us

Dover Castle - Church and Pharos June 2011The Council for British Archaeology South-East is an autonomous organisation affiliated with the national CBA, and our purpose is to offer a central body for all aspects of public archaeology in the region. On this website you will find information about who we are and what we do, details on the committee members who make the decisions on the activities of the council, up-to-date news and details of events (fully linked to our Twitter and Facebook accounts), and links to a great range of archaeological organisations and projects with opportunities for ALL members of the public! We take a strong interest in commercial development, supporting the high standards of professional archaeological work in our region, and we will take a stance against any issues or threats to the archaeological heritage of the region. We also support research into all aspects of archaeology in the region and we aim to provide financial grants to those engaged in advancing our knowledge of our past, its people and places.

The CBA South-East is an educational charity which covers the counties of Kent, Surrey, East and West Sussex, and acts as the regional advocate for the Council for British Archaeology on all matters involving public archaeology in the south east. Our aims are:

  • to support local involvement in archaeological projects
  • to provide a regional networking hub for the public, local and county societies, museums, colleges and universities, local planning authorities, and commercial archaeological units
  • to endorse high standards in archaeological work across the sector
  • to promote the maintenance and care of all sites of cultural heritage for the benefit of all

Our committee members meet 4 times a year to continually work on the aims and objectives of the group, and to provide an information link between local and regional archaeological groups and the national CBA. Our committee members are drawn from the museum sector, universities, the National Trust, and the county societies of Surrey, Kent and Sussex, bringing together a wide range of relevant skills, contacts and experience.

It is worth remembering that we are a registered charity and the running of the CBA South-East is fully dependant upon membership and donations. The council trustees are unpaid volunteers who run the group in their spare time for the benefit of all; many work full-time in other jobs. To continue the work of the CBA in your region, please join our group to involve yourself more fully in the opportunities we offer or donate to our cause.

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CBA South-East is a registered charity in England and Wales, no. 1047378