CBASE workshops and training days

Years 2021 – date

Unfortunately we have been unable to revive our series of training workshops since the end of the pandemic.

Workshop Training Series 2019 and 2020

For these years we have been taking time off from our normal workshop series, due to the time constraints of our committee and, in 2020, Covid-19.  However, we encourage members to get involved in the many training opportunities available throughout the southeast. This includes:

Workshop Training Series 2018

The 2018 winter workshop schedule ran from January to April

Cost for each course was £20 for CBA-SE and Surrey Archaeological Society members (£25 for non). Please email with any queries. Workshop booking form available.

Venue: The Leatherhead Institute, 67 High St, Leatherhead KT22 8AH

Coin day school 1: ‘The Origins of Coinage’ and ‘Celtic and Roman coins in Britain’Saturday 10th February 10:00-16:00

Led by David Rudling (Sussex School of Archaeology), this day school will start by examining the development of coins and primitive currencies in different parts of the world, especially in Asia Minor, Greece and Republican Rome. Thereafter participants will look in more detail at the coins and other types of currencies used in Britain during the Late Iron Age and Roman periods. By the end of the session they should be familiar with the main sequences of coin types for these periods.

Coin day school 2: Saxon, medieval and post-medieval coins, tokens and jetons in EnglandSaturday 24th March 10:00-16:00

Led by David Rudling, this follow on/Part 2 day school will continue examination of the development of coinage in Britain from Saxon to post-medieval times. Participants will also examine the issuing of private tokens made of pewter, lead, copper and silver, and briefly review the use of casting counters or jetons. By the end of the session participants should be familiar with the main sequences of coin, token and jeton types for the post-Roman periods in England.

Ceramic Building Material day schoolSaturday 26th May 10:00-16:00


Led by Ian Betts (MOLA), this course will cover the main types of building material used in south-east England during the Roman, medieval and post-medieval period. The day will consist of presentations, followed by ‘question and answer’ and ‘show and tell’ sections.

LiDAR day school – Saturday 19th May 10:00-16:00


Led by Krystyna Truscoe (University of Reading), this course examines the use of lidar for archaeological projects. It will provide an introduction to the use of lidar: what it is, how to get hold of it and how to interpret it. Production of different visualisations of lidar data and their advantages, or disadvantages, for interpretation will also be covered.


Workshop Training Series 2017

downloadPottery Drawing Day School – Saturday 18th February

Led by Jane Russell, this course provided the basic conventions that are recognised in archaeological illustration necessary for producing images in publications, whether you ink up the final drawings, or use computer programmes. Delegates looked at whole pots, sherds, decorated and plain pottery, and decided on the best way to give the maximum information to the reader.

25607Flint Drawing Day School – Saturday 22nd April

Led by Jane Russell, the day helped those who wish to prepare lithic illustrations for publication and those who just enjoy drawing flint tools. In the class delegates drew the tools accurately in pencil in preparation for later inking up by pen, or by computer programmes, highlighting the ripples and ridges of the lithic tools, and producing a three-dimensional impression. 

Pottery Workshop Series 2016

January-May 2016

This winter saw the first of the CBA-SE’s new annual training day series, which for 2016 focused on ceramic identification and interpretation. Run by local experts of various periods, including Louise Rayner, Jacqui Pearce and Luke Barber, the sessions included a general introduction to ceramics analysis, followed by four period-based workshops (Prehistoric, Roman, Medieval, Post-Medieval), which varied in location across the south-east.

Workshop Schedule