Surrey Archaeological Society SHERF Conference and AGM

Research Revisited

Saturday November 26th at Letherhead Institute, High Street, KT22 8AH Leatherhead
from 0930 to 1700. Tickets at £10 for members, £12 for non-members and £8 for
students under 25 from or from Castle Arch, Quarry Street, Guildford GU1 3SX, 01483 532454

09.30 Registration
10.00 Opening remarks: Chair, Emma Corke
10.10 New insights into the prehistoric ceramics from Weston Wood, Albury: Michael
10.45 Coffee
11.15 Surrey Greensand hillforts: Judie English
11.45 Understanding Lowther’s excavation of Ashtead Roman Villa: David Bird
12.15 Discussion
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Introduction to the afternoon: Emma Corke
13.35 Reviewing Roman Southwark: Harvey Sheldon
14.05 What makes a Surrey Wealden Hall House special?: Martin Higgins
14.35 Tea
15.05 The Loseley Chapel in St Nicolas, Guildford: its links with a wider literary and
cultural world: Catherine Fergusion
15.35 Discussion
15.45 Close
16.00 SyAS AGM